Brain Games that Can Help Prevent Alzheimer’s

Brain Games that Can Help Prevent Alzheimer’s

A wide number of studies show that games that promote critical thinking skills can improve the brain’s cognitive functions, and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia in the future. This article will discuss some of the most popular brain games that...
Safety Risks in the Home

Safety Risks in the Home

As your loved one ages, the risk of injury in the home can increase. Forgetfulness, dulled senses, and limited mobility can contribute to hazardous conditions in the home. This article will explore common hazards for elderly individuals, and what you can do to reduce...
COVID Vaccine Info for New York City Seniors

COVID Vaccine Info for New York City Seniors

New York medical facilities have begun distributing COVID vaccines to residents across the city. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are being administered in NYC. Many residents are eager to receive the vaccine. However, the supply of the shot is not nearly enough...
Recognizing Signs of Substance Abuse in Seniors

Recognizing Signs of Substance Abuse in Seniors

Substance abuse is a problem that plagues many families in America. For senior citizens, it can be especially difficult to identify and combat. Seniors may turn to abusing drugs or alcohol for several reasons. Unfortunately, many of the signs of substance abuse can...
Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

Winters in New York can be harsh. As such, it is important to prepare your elderly loved ones for the Winter and help them stay safe. This article will discuss the potential dangers to elderly individuals, and what precautions you and your family can take to prepare...