Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

Winters in New York can be harsh. As such, it is important to prepare your elderly loved ones for the Winter and help them stay safe. This article will discuss the potential dangers to elderly individuals, and what precautions you and your family can take to prepare...
What COVID-19 has Taught Us About Home Health Care

What COVID-19 has Taught Us About Home Health Care

As we further navigate the global COVID-19 pandemic, the world is learning more about best practices for safety in this new normal. Many industries have adapted to operate through the coronavirus, and home healthcare is no different. This article will explore how...
Parkinson’s Disease: the Signs and Symptoms

Parkinson’s Disease: the Signs and Symptoms

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. It is a disease that, as of now, has no cure. This article will go over the signs, symptoms, and stages of this disease; to help inform you better. If you notice these signs in your...
Discussing Long-Term Care Plans with Parents

Discussing Long-Term Care Plans with Parents

As your parents continue to age, it is critical to have a conversation with them to discuss their wishes for long term care, and to discuss what plans they may already have in place. Many Americans have to scramble to figure out proper care for their loved ones when...
Cancer Care and Family Support

Cancer Care and Family Support

When your loved one is diagnosed with cancer, it can be hard on the whole family. Cancer can be a hard fight and the treatments themselves can leave your loved one weakened. For many suffering from cancer, being surrounded by their family can help them feel better and...
Fall Risk Increases in Autumn and Winter

Fall Risk Increases in Autumn and Winter

As Autumn comes into full swing, it is important to recognize the increased risks of slip-and-falls. Autumn and winter both come with increased fall risks for elderly individuals. This article will explore the factors that contribute to these risks. Autumn Leaves...
Bathing and Maintaining Dignity

Bathing and Maintaining Dignity

As your loved one ages, it may become more difficult for them to fully care for themselves. Bathing can be a difficult task as the risk of falls rises with age. Combine this with increasing difficulties in reaching all the nooks and crannies, as their overall mobility...
Autumn Family Activities for Seniors and Children

Autumn Family Activities for Seniors and Children

Autumn is almost here, and with it comes cool weather and fun, festive activities. The fall can be a good time to make family memories with elderly loved ones. This article will explore 5 fun Autumn activities you and your children can do together with your elderly...
After the Loss of a Spouse

After the Loss of a Spouse

When your elderly loved one passes away, it can be a difficult time for all members of the family. This can also create a huge amount of stress for their spouse. Couples often divide responsibilities in the household, and a loss of a partner combined with grief can be...