Vitamin D is essential for young children to develop strong bones; but proper vitamin intake is vital for adults too, and especially the elderly. This nutrient helps your body absorb calcium and promote bone growth. A lack of Vitamin D in adults can lead to fragile, and even misshapen bones in your advanced age. Many elderly individuals that spend most of their time indoors are at risk of being Vitamin D deficient, as the sun is the best source of it. While many of us are now stuck at home, it is even harder to get enough of it; especially for your elderly loved ones who are staying indoors now more than ever.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Roughly 40% of adults are lacking proper Vitamin D levels. A lack of Vitamin D can lead to issues such as muscle weakness, bone deterioration, depression, Osteoporosis, and even cancer.

Sunlight, the Best Source

Direct sunshine is the best source of Vitamin D. UVB light from the sun helps your body synthesize Vitamin D out of cholesterol. While too much sun can be a bad thing, it is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Fresh air and sunlight can help you feel healthier, happier, and more energetic. The sun’s UVB rays cannot penetrate windows, so direct sunlight while outdoors is really the best way of getting it. A short amount of mid-day sun, about 30 minutes can help you reach the recommended amount of this vitamin. It is important to help your loved one during this time, as you do not want them to sustain sun damage to the skin during their outdoor time. Encourage them to drink water while outside, as it is easier for elderly individuals to become dehydrated faster.

Foods Rich in Vitamin D

There are not a lot of foods that are rich in Vitamin D. Tuna, swordfish, salmon, egg yolks, beef liver, and sardines are rich in this nutrient. However, most of these foods do not contain enough of the nutrient to replace direct sun exposure entirely. Talk with your loved one’s physician before changing their diet, as certain foods should be avoided when on some medications.


There are many Vitamin D supplements on the market. Many of these supplements will provide you with more than the needed daily amount of this nutrient. Talk to your loved one’s doctor before purchasing supplements for them.

Safe Harbor Healthcare Services does not provide medical or healthcare advice via articles. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for medical advice.
Safe Harbor Healthcare Services has been providing excellent home care on Staten Island since 1967. Our services help the elderly and disabled live safely and independently; while giving their families the peace of mind they need. For more information, contact Safe Harbor by clicking here, or call us at (718)-979-6900.