For many senior citizens, adapting to new technology can be a challenge. But, there is a lot of benefit to helping your elderly loved one learn how to connect through newer technology. Video calls, social media, and online shopping can all benefit their quality of life.
Video Call Technology
Seniors can often feel lonely. They likely have fewer interactions with friends and family as time goes on. Especially if they live further away, video calls can be a great way for your elderly loved ones to stay connected. Apps such as Facetime or Zoom allow people to connect face-to-face online. Over the last few years, many people have seen the value of video chats and how they can reduce feelings of isolation.
Online Shopping
Many seniors deal with mobility issues, which prevents them from shopping for necessities. When living on your own as a senior, it can be challenging to go to the supermarket and buy groceries regularly. Because of this, many seniors end up paying more for food at the local convenience stores. They may have to shop in smaller amounts because they can’t carry a large load of the groceries themselves. Overall, this can lead to a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. Online shopping is a helpful solution for seniors. Grocery delivery options make it easier for seniors to save money and eat healthier.
Social Media and Seniors
Social media helps people connect and feel more involved. Helping your elderly loved ones to get on social media is a great way for them to connect with family members. This can be especially important for them to connect with their grandchildren. While the grandchildren may not call as often as your elderly loved one would like, they can still feel involved through social media.
Tips for Optimizing Technology for Older Adults
Let’s face it. Not every senior is going to be technology savvy. Plenty of them are technophobic. But by guiding them through and tweaking some settings, they can benefit from adapting to tech. Start by helping them with text size settings. Next, discuss what scams look like online, so that you can reduce the risk of falling for them. Lastly, install Team Viewer or similar software on their computer. If they need assistance while you aren’t with them, remotely controlling their computer can be beneficial.
Safe Harbor Healthcare Services does not provide medical, healthcare, or financial advice via articles. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for medical advice.
Safe Harbor Healthcare Services has been providing excellent home care on Staten Island since 1967. Our services help the elderly and disabled live safely and independently; while giving their families the peace of mind they need. For more information contact us by clicking here, or by calling (718)-979-6900.