September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Depression and suicide are often seen as an issue for many teens and young adults. However, it can also be a dangerous, and often overlooked, problem for the elderly as well. Depression is not a normal side-effect of aging. According to the National Council of Aging, older adults account for 22% of all suicides, despite being just 16.8% of the US population. While everyone may experience some periods of sadness; deep, medically-diagnosable depression goes further than this.

Why Do Elderly People Experience Depression?

Many different factors can contribute to the development of depression or other mental health conditions. Common causes in the elderly can include a loss of independence, the loss of a partner, elder abuse, reclusiveness, overmedication, and medication side effects. Another cause could be receiving a disappointing or life-changing diagnosis. According to the CDC, depression affects about 1-5% of older Americans.

Suicide & Depression in Medication Side Effects

Some medications have reported depression or thoughts of suicide as a side effect. These medications often include cardiovascular drugs, chemotherapeutics, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety medications, sedatives, anticonvulsants, anti-inflammatories, stimulants, hormone drugs, and more. If your loved one is experiencing symptoms of depression while taking one or more of the above medications, they should report this to the prescribing physician. The physician may adjust the medication dosage, or prescribe antidepressant medication to combat it.

Symptoms of Depression in Older Adults

Older adults are often at risk of misdiagnosis when it comes to depression because it can be similar to age-related issues. One of the reasons it is misdiagnosed is a lack of mental health awareness in older adults. They may not have the vocabulary to discuss what they are feeling properly with their doctors. Elderly patients can often be more reluctant to discuss their feelings with their doctors or family members. Additionally, symptoms can sometimes be dismissed as side effects of certain medications.
Symptoms can vary, but the most common is depressed mood for most of the day or nearly every day. Furthermore, general loss of interest or pleasure in most activities can be common. Symptoms include persistent sadness, excessive worrying, trouble sleeping, excessive weight changes, poor concentration, pacing/fidgeting, gastrointestinal distress, fatigue, and suicide.

Suicide in the Elderly

Older adults tend to think out and plan their suicide more carefully than younger individuals. They are also more likely to have access to more lethal methods. As a result, about one in four older adults will succeed, compared to 1 in 200 youths. Failed attempts are more likely to result in worse recovery than in youths and young adults, as well. Men above the age of 75 have the highest suicide rate of any group in America.

Combating Suicide & Depression in the Elderly

Combating depression is no easy task. Therapy can be an important part of your loved one’s mental health. Along with therapy and medication from your loved one’s therapist, there are some things you can do to help. Take your loved one to spend some time outdoors. Even taking trips for mundane errands, like shopping, can help them perk up a bit. Socialization and combating isolation are vital to reducing feelings of depression. Help them visit friends or other family members when and if able. Work with your loved one’s home health aide to ensure that their emotional needs are met, along with the physical.


If you or a loved one is suffering from depression or suicidal thoughts, visit the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline website, or call 988 for support. For more information on depression and its symptoms, visit the National Institute of Mental Health.

Safe Harbor Healthcare Services does not provide medical, healthcare, or financial advice via articles. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for medical advice.
Safe Harbor Healthcare Services has provided excellent home care on Staten Island since 1967. Our services help older and disabled individuals live safely and independently; while giving their families the peace of mind they need. For more information contact us or call (718)-979-6900.