Americans continue to live longer, meaning aging adults need more care for longer. One important part of the aging group is LGBTQ+ seniors. Below, we will discuss some of the challenges that aging gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer seniors may face.

Chosen Families and LGBTQ+ Seniors

Queer seniors are less likely to have had children than their straight, cisgender peers. They are also more likely to be estranged from their extended family. This can present challenges for those who need support from loved ones at an advanced age. While chosen families can provide a level of support, they may not be as effective in dire health situations. A lifelong friend cannot make medical decisions for you if you are incapacitated in the hospital, without being given medical power of attorney first.

While gay marriage and domestic partnerships offer a solution that was long missing for LGBTQ+ folks, not every queer individual is married. Older individuals who are unmarried and not close to their families need to have this type of support. They can choose a trusted loved one to have the power of medical attorney for them in case of an emergency.

Finding Supportive Health Services

Unfortunately, not every healthcare provider accepts those of different backgrounds. While they may take on clients, only some home care providers ensure that their aides and nurses will treat their clients with the respect they deserve. When looking into senior care, look for companies that are known for working with diverse clientele from different walks of life. Consider asking friends with similar circumstances for referrals to LGBTQ+-affirming healthcare and service providers.

Find Resources with LGBTQ+ Community Centers

Local queer community centers, health organizations, and advocacy groups can provide referrals and support for seniors who need help at home. Contact them to see if there are any services they recommend. Additionally, inquire if they offer support for funding services. Some non-profits may use grants, donations, and other resources to help LGBTQ+ seniors afford in-home care assistance.

Housing and Accommodation Laws

In many states, housing accommodation equality is not guaranteed for LGBTQ+ individuals. According to the Movement Advancement Project, only 23 states currently have explicit laws that prohibit housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This means that only about 53% of LGBTQ+ individuals live in states protected by these laws. Thankfully, New York is one of these 23 states.

HIV/AIDS Support and Care

Individuals living with HIV and AIDS are living longer than ever. Advances in medication, treatments, and more help people with HIV and AIDS live into their senior years. However, because of the nature of the condition, these seniors may need more medical and healthcare support than those without. Managing care may require more regular doctor visits, additional home care assistance, and palliative support.

Isolation in LGBTQ+ Seniors

Many LGBTQ+ seniors may feel disconnected from their community as a whole. While isolation is a common factor for many older adults, it can affect those in the queer community more. They may feel isolated from people their age, the queer community, and their local community as well. Also, if they do not communicate well with their families, they may have few people to regularly engage with. Hiring a home health aide can help relieve some of this isolation by providing socialization and companionship.

Resources for LGBTQ+ Seniors in New York

We are lucky to be in one of the most supportive states for LGBTQ+ elders. SAGE is a national resource center for aging LGBTQ+ individuals. They have a page dedicated to resources for those living in New York, as well as a network of support centers here in New York City. Staten Island has its own Pride Center as well.

In-Home Care With Safe Harbor

At Safe Harbor Healthcare Services, we provide certified home health aides and nursing care to seniors and disabled individuals in Staten Island. Overall, we are proud to provide support to a diverse group of people in our community.

Safe Harbor Healthcare Services does not provide medical, healthcare, or financial advice via articles. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for medical advice.
Safe Harbor Healthcare Services has provided excellent home care on Staten Island since 1967. Our services help older and disabled individuals live safely and independently; while giving their families the peace of mind they need. For more information contact us or call (718)-979-6900.