For older adults, infections can pose a real threat. Many illnesses that were often shrugged off with a day in bed can last longer and hit harder. As you age, it can become harder to fight off infectious diseases and recover safely. About one-third of all deaths in Americans 65 and older are caused by infectious diseases, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Below, we will discuss some of the more common infections that older adults may suffer from.
The flu is a common respiratory infection that can spread quickly. People generally contract it through coughs and sneezes from someone carrying the infection. Influenza kills about 12,000 seniors each year in the US. Some strains of influenza may vary in severity. There may also be minor symptom changes among strains. Common symptoms include coughing, sneezing, fever, and fatigue. Yearly vaccines for the flu can minimize infection risk and may reduce the severity of symptoms.
Since the 2020 pandemic, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), has been active within the United States. Older individuals, those with respiratory issues, and other immuno-compromised individuals can be more susceptible to infection. Common symptoms include fever, loss of taste or smell, and fatigue. Vaccinations and booster shots can help reduce the risk of contracting the coronavirus.
Bacterial Pneumonia
Pneumonia can be caused by either a virus or bacteria. Bacterial pneumonia, however, is a leading cause of hospitalization in senior citizens. Unfortunately, symptoms of bacterial pneumonia may not always be present until the infection worsens. Bacterial pneumonia can cause the air sacs in the lungs to fill with fluid and become inflamed. You may not notice signs or symptoms until this occurs. Pneumonia can create difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Seniors may also experience dizziness, confusion, weakness, and a loss of appetite. The pneumonia vaccine can help prevent bacterial pneumococcal disease.
Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) occur when bacteria travel up the urinary tract and into the bladder. In younger adults, this can present itself as pain or burning while using the bathroom, but the symptoms are often different in seniors. Seniors with a UTI may experience sudden incontinence, severe weight loss, loss of appetite, and confusion.
If left untreated, a UTI can lead to hospitalization. This risk is much higher in seniors. When caught early, antibiotics can be a quick solution. Preventative measures include maintaining good personal hygiene and drinking plenty of fluids. Proper hydration is important to keep flushing out your bladder and preventing a UTI.
While many people claim cranberry juice helps with UTIs, studies on the subject can often be inconclusive. Some research suggests that it is better for prevention than treatment.
Skin Infections
Skin infections can occur in several ways. First, small cuts and scrapes can become infected. Additionally, moisture or constant contact, such as with bedsores, can lead to infections. Because the immune system in older adults isn’t as powerful, these infections can become harder to combat. They can show up as rashes, marks, ulcers, and more. Severe infections can cause pain and illness that can lead to hospitalization.
You can help your older loved one prevent skin infections by properly treating wounds, practicing regular hand washing, and maintaining good personal hygiene. After bathing, remind your elderly loved one to carefully dry their skin. This is especially important in the nooks, crannies, and under fat folds. Leaving moisture on the skin can create breeding grounds for bacteria. Help reduce or prevent bedsores by moving around regularly. If your loved one is bedridden, help them roll to their sides or move them occasionally.
Gastrointestinal Infections
While the gastrointestinal tract is home to a wide assortment of healthy bacteria, sometimes harmful bacteria can cause you to feel sick. Generally, these bacteria may come from contaminated water or undercooked food. Additionally, an overabundance of antibiotics can kill off healthy bacteria. This can unfortunately let some harmful bacteria run rampant.
Gastrointestinal infections can cause diarrhea, vomiting, stomach aches, and fevers. It is important to stay hydrated to minimize complications. You can limit infection risk by washing your hands before eating, after handling food ingredients, and after using the bathroom. Additionally, ensure that food is cooked thoroughly before consumption. If your loved one’s home water source is compromised or unclean, consider installing a filter on their sink.
Home Health Aides and Preventing Infections
Your elderly loved one can reduce infection risks by having a caring and watchful eye on them throughout the day. Home Health Aides can help reduce the risks of infection through meal preparation, bathing assistance, and more. A caregiver can also be another set of eyes for identifying when your loved one is feeling under the weather. Catching health issues quickly can help prevent complications or emergency hospitalizations
Safe Harbor Healthcare Services does not provide medical, healthcare, or financial advice via articles. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for advice.
Safe Harbor Healthcare Services has provided excellent home care on Staten Island since 1967. Our services help older and disabled individuals live safely and independently while giving their families the peace of mind they need. For more information contact us or call (718)-979-6900.