When your spouse needs extra care in their daily lives, it is easy to be overwhelmed with caregiving. For older couples, balancing feeling like a spouse and a caregiver can be a challenge. Below, we will discuss some tips for balancing your home life when your spouse needs extra help.

Acknowledging Burnout

Providing extra care for your loved one can be taxing; physically, mentally, and emotionally. One of the first steps to a better home life is acknowledging when you are burnt out. While your loved one needs extra care and attention, it is important not to run yourself into the ground. Identify your limits, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family.

Meeting Your Own Needs

It is vital to care for yourself. In many cases, spouse caregivers can focus all their energy on treating their spouse, and let their own health and wellbeing decline. Be sure to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and take self-care breaks when needed. Asking your adult family members for assistance can also give you the chance for some much-needed downtime. Taking care of a loved one can be taxing. Consider exploring mental health services for yourself, or join a support group for family caregivers.

Enjoy Activities Together With Your Spouse

As your loved one continues to need care, they may not have the mobility or strength to do the activities you used to enjoy together. Try to find activities you can enjoy as a couple. This can be anything from tending your garden to taking walks around the block. Even watching movies together can be fun to do with your spouse.

Hiring Help For Your Spouse

As much as you do for your spouse, a helping hand can be good for both of you. Consider hiring a home health aide to assist your loved one in their daily lives. A Certified Home Health Aide from SafeHarbor can help provide your spouse with care at home, during doctor’s appointments, and more. From hygiene care to meal preparation, home care assistance can be beneficial to both of you. Hired help gives you more time to focus on your needs, and enjoy time with your spouse.

Safe Harbor Healthcare Services does not provide medical, healthcare, or financial advice via articles. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for medical advice.
Safe Harbor Healthcare Services has provided excellent home care on Staten Island since 1967. Our services help older and disabled individuals live safely and independently; while giving their families the peace of mind they need. For more information contact us or call (718)-979-6900.