Beginner Gardening Tips for Older Adults

Beginner Gardening Tips for Older Adults

Spring is the perfect time to help cultivate your older family member’s green thumb. Gardening, whether on a windowsill or in the backyard, is a great way for your loved one to learn a new skill and grow fresh food to enhance their diet. Below, we will discuss some...

Vision Loss in Older Adults

Your eyes change with age, generally getting worse over time. Many older individuals require stronger eyeglass prescriptions over time. Those who have never needed glasses may begin using reading glasses in their daily lives. Light sensitivity and other vision issues...
Heart Health – Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attack

Heart Health – Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attack

February is American Heart Month. As such, Safeharbor wants to ensure that we spread important information to our clients and their families. In this article, we will discuss the differences between cardiac arrest and a heart attack. Both are serious episodes that can...
Heart-Healthy Activities for Older Individuals

Heart-Healthy Activities for Older Individuals

As we age, heart health becomes more and more difficult to maintain. The risk of developing heart disease goes up with age, and it often becomes harder for older individuals to remain active without assistance. Below, we will discuss some heart-healthy activities for...

Symptoms After a Fall

After your older loved one suffers from a fall, it is important to watch for signs and symptoms of complications. Often, older individuals who suffer from a serious fall can be at risk of further fall-related injuries. Additionally, those who fall are more likely to...