Coronavirus Safety for the Elderly

Coronavirus Safety for the Elderly

With the current outbreak of COVID-19, it is important to make preparations for your loved one, so that you can better prepare them. Elderly individuals are more at risk for more severe cases of Coronavirus. If your loved one is over the age of 60, the risk of death...
Reducing Caregiver Stress

Reducing Caregiver Stress

When looking after an elderly parent or loved one, the amount of responsibility can be stressful. Caregiving can be rewarding, but it is often a big source of stress, on top of work, the kids, and everything else in your life. When you are dealing with a lot of...
Mobility for Seniors

Mobility for Seniors

Mobility is a very important part of senior health. As we age, tired muscles and old bones make us want to stay sedentary. The less you move, the worse your mobility becomes. Staying active in your elder years is vital to maintaining good mobility. Here are some tips...
Depression in the Elderly

Depression in the Elderly

Depression may be an issue for many teens and young adults; but it can also be a dangerous, and often overlooked, problem for the elderly as well. It is not a normal side-effect of aging. While some periods of sadness can occur; deep, medically-diagnosable depression...
Siblings in Conflict When Caring For Aging Parents

Siblings in Conflict When Caring For Aging Parents

Caring for an aging parent can be a challenge, especially when you and your siblings have conflicting opinions on how to best care for them. Having multiple caregivers can be good for your parents, but it also presents a number of challenges between your family...