bigstock-Fallen-Senior-11703836Trips and falls can be extremely devastating for seniors. Fortunately, some simple tips can help keep elderly family members safe when they're on the go and at home, and prevent injury:

Check Your Vision

·See your doctor for a vision check up every year and pursue treatments that will correct any problems you find out. Weak depth perception can lead to problems navigating uneven or slippery terrain.

Exercise Weekly

·Healthy seniors who live home should exercise at least twice a week to retain strength and agility. (Make sure to contact your doctor before starting any exercise program.)

Wearing The Correct Shoes

· Avoid shoes that don’t fit you correctly. Wearing Ill-fitting footwear can increase your chances of falling on slippery surfaces and decrease your overall stability. Search for shoes with a rubber sole that suggests a good grip while walking.

Check Up On Your Equipment

·If you currently use a cane or a walker, make sure the rubber tips are intact. Worn out tips can decline the dependability of your device and even cause a traumatic fall. New rubber tips are available for purchase at your local surgical supply store or drugstore.

Research Your Medication

·Have you medications reviewed by a medical professional, since some medicines contain side effects including dizziness or a lack of stability.

Stay Indoors During Inclement Weather

·Stay home during dangerous weather conditions such as heavy rain or snow, or when there is an accumulation of snow or ice on the sidewalks.

Update Your Home

·Search around your house for fall hazards, including unsecured area rugs, loose electrical cords, and items on the floor, like papers, slippers and other mess.